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Optimizing Social Media

Content for Each Platform


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by Macy Chapman in Blogs
December 7, 2016

People like convenience and that’s what some social media tools will sell you when it comes to posting your content.

Many businesses are drawn to tools that let you connect all your platforms and send the same message to each one. This isn’t necessarily the wrong way to post, but there are big benefits to optimizing your content for each social platform. Here are a few factors to explain why:


It’s very obvious that there are different audiences for each social platform. With that said, the content you post on your Facebook may not work with the audience you have on Twitter. Even if it’s the same piece of content (i.e. a picture or video), there are still ways to change the message posted with that to cater to each audience. But sometimes that does mean even the pieces of content should be changed for the place you are posting. Facebook tends to be more adults while Twitter or Instagram is a younger audience. If you are not keeping your audience in mind and creating the message for them, you could be losing followers.

Each Platform’s Purpose

People go to different social media platforms for different reasons. Facebook may be to catch up with old friends and find recipes, while Twitter may be to get the daily news and happenings. Once you know WHY your audience is coming to that platform, you can create the message to fit with what they’re looking for in the moment. If they are on Twitter for news, share a news story that still relates to your industry but gives them something to read about. If they are on Facebook to pass the time, give them an entertaining video that talks about something in your industry in a unique way.

Larger Reach

If you are posting the same message on each platform, you are missing out on getting more followers, which would increase your numbers on each channel. If people begin to notice your Instagram’s post directly to Facebook each time, then they may not see the purpose in following you on Instagram and now you have lost a potential follower. Give them a reason to follow you on each platform. You want to make them feel like they may be missing out on great content if they do not follow all your channels.

It may seem like more work to make content for each channel, but it will pay off to have quality followers and for them to see you are giving each audience what they are there for.

Be sure to follow us on all of our social media channels as well!

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