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One Secret to Employee Retention

Find out how to reduce employee turnover


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by Susan Briggs in Blogs
August 11, 2017

There are many reasons why employees quit their jobs. You cannot control a lot of them, but what if there was a common secret thread that could reduce your employee turnover. Would you give it a try?

A recent blog posted the 6 Biggest Reasons Why Employees Quit Their New Jobs as:

  1. Lack of opportunities to grow
  2. Poor working relationships
  3. Not understanding the big picture
  4. Not feeling respected and appreciated
  5. Not having their needs met
  6. Fears about the future

Do you see the common secret thread?

A communication system in your business would go a long way to preventing all six of these reasons employees quit. Creating a culture of communication takes work, but may be worth the investment when you consider how much employee turnover and communication breakdowns cost your business. Turnover alone is estimated at over $4,000 per employee lost.

Creating a culture of communication in your business requires creating a communication plan. Your plan provides clear documentation of your expectations and removes guesswork. The unknown is scary so proactively sharing company information provides comfort to new employees.

Companies that create a culture of communication address the six reasons employees quit by:

  • Clearly communicating their opportunities for a pet care professional career path
  • Providing communication skills training and emphasizing the importance of direct, open and honest communication
  • Holding regular company and team meetings to share goals and progress updates
  • Giving timely feedback on performance in one-on-one regular meetings and showing appreciation for a job well done
  • Encouraging dialog in one-on-one meetings to ensure needs are met and each employee enjoys their role
  • Offering transparency regarding company strengths and how weaknesses are being addressed during company and team meetings

Focusing on creating a culture of communication can save your business more money by minimizing communication breakdowns in your existing team. In addition to employee turnover, poor communication can waste money in client recovery costs and everyone’s time. Annual dollars wasted by your business really adds up quickly. Our recent survey of pet business owners estimates the total cost to range from $14,000 – $40,000 each year depending on the size of your team.

When you improve communication you will improve your business. We’ve created an excel estimator so you can quickly find out how much money your business may be wasting from communication breakdowns.

If you’re ready to focus on creating a culture of communication in your business we invite you to join us in our new program, Improve Communication…Improve Your Business.

Like all our programs it’s a comprehensive solution customized for the pet industry. We’re excited to bring the first online staff training program on communication to the pet care industry, Communication Skills for Pet Care Professionals. Now that you know the secret to reducing employee turnover get ahead of your competition by being the best place to work in pet care!

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